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Toptal是一个由在支持战略项目方面经验丰富的顶级增长战略顾问组成的网络. 咨询公司和企业从Toptal聘请成长战略顾问,因为他们在成长战略发展等多种类型项目中的专业知识, pricing strategy or M&A.

No-Risk Trial, Pay Only If Satisfied.

Hire Freelance Growth Strategy Consultants

Ashley O'Brien

Freelance Growth Strategy Consultant
United StatesToptal Member Since May 11, 2022

Ashley brings over twelve years of corporate operations, strategy, finance, marketing, and advisory experience and ten years of nonprofit events, marketing, and strategic development experience. As a corporate strategy and operations visionary and integrator, 她带来了战略增长驱动因素识别和实施方面的专业知识, brand building, organizational effectiveness, efficiency, change management, process improvement, project management, data analysis, and culture building.

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Previously at

Hote Decor

Francesco Castellano

Freelance Growth Strategy Consultant
ItalyToptal Member Since January 4, 2017

Francesco has almost twenty years of experience in finance, consulting, business management, and sustainability. 这些年来,他作为贝恩的顾问参与了20多个项目 & Company and launched Uber operations in Turin, Italy. Lately, he has founded Tondo, an organization spreading circular economy concepts, and Tondo lab, a company driving the implementation of clean and circular innovations. Francesco is passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Previously at

Tondo Lab

Anastasiia Zavhorodnia

Freelance Growth Strategy Consultant
United KingdomToptal Member Since April 4, 2022

Anastasiia从零开始为两款SaaS产品(CleanMyMac X和Setapp)和服务公司制定销售策略已有5年多的时间. Her areas of expertise include market research, sales strategy development, multichannel sales, and inbound and outbound sales strategies. Anastasiia has been leading business development and sales growth since 2013. 她喜欢自由职业,因为它可以让她与许多优秀的企业家一起工作, grow, and expand their businesses.

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Fabio Pigo

Freelance Growth Strategy Consultant
United KingdomToptal Member Since May 23, 2022

Fabio has co-founded and launched two B2B marketplaces, 其中一家公司拥有数十亿美元的收入和成千上万的用户. 他是数位领域的资深人士,曾在多家科技公司任职,并在大型企业领导全球数位转型. Fabio fundraised pre-seed, seed, and A/B rounds; he's an expert at global growth, particularly EMEA and APAC. He freelances to help Series A/B startups with strategy, business plans, growth, team building, and coaching C-level leaders.

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Baruch Esparza

Freelance Growth Strategy Consultant
United StatesToptal Member Since April 26, 2022

Baruch是一位多才多艺的财务和战略主管,拥有20多年领导跨职能团队的经验. 他领导的交易团队执行了超过50亿美元的买方和卖方交易&A transactions for multiple fortune 500 companies. Baruch在交易后整合和公司重组方面也有丰富的经验. 咨询为他提供了利用他的专业知识帮助客户成长和提高盈利能力的机会, while meeting new people.

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Previously at

Epsilon Acquisition Services

Michael Ang

Freelance Growth Strategy Consultant
SingaporeToptal Member Since August 18, 2016

An MIT MBA graduate, 迈克尔曾在贝恩(Bain)为大公司服务,并在顶级风投公司(Kleiner Perkins)支持的公司帮助建立新业务, Mayfield, Softbank). 他曾在一家以1.85亿美元收购的硅谷公司负责定价工作,并加入Toptal,处理具有挑战性的商业问题. 他的工作发现了价值数百万美元的业务优化机会,并为客户带来了数倍的收入增长.

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Nuno Anjo e Silva

Freelance Growth Strategy Consultant
PortugalToptal Member Since April 29, 2022

Nuno has worked for 30 years in CPG Unilever and B2B at the Navigator Company. In 2020, he started working as an independent consultant, 经常管理麦肯锡和欧洲集团的转型团队或做自由职业者. Nuno founded GTI Consulting to impact more businesses, focusing on growth, transformation, and innovation to fulfill their full acceleration potential. With his skills and expertise, Nuno will be a great addition to any team.

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Previously at

GTI Consulting

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... 允许公司快速组建具有特定项目所需技能的团队.


Our clients
Creating an app for the game
Conor Kenney
Creating an app for the game
Leading a digital transformation
Elmar Platzer
Leading a digital transformation
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
What our clients think
Clients Rate Toptal Growth Strategy Consultants4.2 / 5.0on average across 51 reviews as of May 14, 2024
Martin so far is a complete Rockstar. 他的第一份工作为我们提供了一个工具来模拟和预测我们的财务状况,而且我们付出的每一分钱都是值得的. Just thought I’d share that with you.

Pete Pellizzari


Erik一直是我们团队中非常有价值的成员,他在我们的生命周期阶段对初创企业有着丰富的经验. 使他的贡献独特而高效的不仅仅是他出色的金融建模技能和知识, 还有他在Vault处理每一段关系的情商, understands our team dynamics, and helps us tackle start up challenges effectively. 很难找到一个兼职顾问,让你觉得他/她真的在为你公司的成功投资.

Romy Parzick


Toptal has been an incredible key partner for Sidekick. As an early-stage start-up, we’ve leveraged both design and financial talent. The experience has been incredible, with those professionals bringing creativity, expertise, and advice to ensure Sidekick succeeds. My Toptal financial expert helped steer Sidekick’s business model, which resulted in an initial ROI of 650x! My experience with Toptal has given me great confidence in the future.

Doug MacKay

Founder / CEO

Chris was great to work with and was always available on my schedule. His communication skills and personality were a 10/10. 他在项目上的产出是一流的,使我们能够开发更有效的预测和倡议优先级框架. I would definitely use Chris again.

Chris Pozek


真正让Toptal与众不同的是他们网络中可用的金融人才的水平. I had a very specific and pressing need, and Toptal quickly matched me with the perfect person for the job. 该专家提供了一份深思熟虑且稳健的财务分析,最终使我们能够更有效地预测并确定计划的优先级.

Chris Pozek


How to Hire Growth Strategy Consultants Through Toptal


Talk to One of Our Industry Experts

A Toptal director of finance will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics.

Work With Hand-Selected Talent

几天之内,我们将为您的项目介绍合适的增长战略顾问. Average time to match is under 24 hours.

The Right Fit, Guaranteed

与您的新增长战略顾问一起工作一段试用期(满意才支付报酬), ensuring they're the right fit before starting the engagement.


  • How are Toptal Growth Strategy Consultants different?

    At Toptal, 我们会仔细筛选我们的成长战略顾问,以确保我们只为您匹配最优秀的人才. Of the more than 200,000 people who apply to join the Toptal network each year, fewer than 3% make the cut. 你将与财务专家(而不是一般的招聘人员或人力资源代表)一起了解你的目标, technical needs, and team dynamics. 最终的结果是:经过专家审查的人才从我们的网络,定制匹配,以满足您的业务需求.

  • Can I hire Growth Strategy Consultants in less than 48 hours through Toptal?

    Depending on availability and how fast you can progress, 您可以在注册后48小时内开始与增长战略顾问合作.

  • What is the no-risk trial period for Toptal Growth Strategy Consultants?

    我们确保您和您的成长战略顾问之间的每一次合作都从长达两周的试用期开始. This means that you have time to confirm the engagement will be successful. If you’re completely satisfied with the results, 我们会给你开时间单的,你愿意多久我们就多久. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. From there, we can either part ways, 或者我们可以为您提供另一位可能更合适的专家,我们将与他开始第二轮谈判, no-risk trial.

Tap Into World-Class Talent

  • Trusted Experts Only

    Trusted Experts Only

    All of our talent are seasoned experts who ramp up quickly, readily contribute as core team members, and work with you to minimize onboarding time.

  • The Right Fit

    The Right Fit

    We have a knack for matching you with the right fit. 在无风险的试用期开始和你的新员工一起工作,只在满意的情况下付钱.

  • Scale as Needed

    Scale as Needed


  • Seamless Hiring

    Seamless Hiring

    We handle all aspects of billing, payments, and NDA’s. Let us take care of the overhead while you focus on building great products.

  • Flexible Engagements

    Flexible Engagements

    Choose the engagement type that suits your needs — hourly, part-time, or full-time — with the ability to change anytime.

  • Expert Talent Matching

    Expert Talent Matching


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